dimarts, 23 d’abril del 2013


Is the spanish youtuber with more subscribers. His real name is Ruben Doblas Gurdensen. His mother is from Norway and his father is spanish. He borns in Málaga 13 of February 1990, but 1 year after he traveled with his parents to Norway. He lives 3-4 years in Norway, but his parents divorcied and returned to Spain. His mother met an antoher men and married, and returned to Norway. With 16 years old, he met a spanish boy on the internet, MangelRogel. They play online games together, all laughed and had fun.
ElRubiusOMG sometimes traveled to Spain to see Mangel, and came the day he went to Madrid to live with her father. 
Time later decided to live with Mangel in Madrid and actuallity they live together.
2 years ago borns his sister, of 2 years old.

Add videos to many different things, but began uploading videos of Skyrim, BF3 and GTA. He has won a lot of popularity last year for their videos, considered extremely funny. Never done tutorials gameplays too serious not only Gayplays like calls, or just Gameplays funny without trying to beat the game / level playing at the time but also very funny.