Behind the music: Biographies


Taylor Alison Swift (going on 13 desembre 1989 Néixer Wyomissing, Pennsylvania) is quite actriu, cantant i nord-American composer of country music. Swift is going to move to Nashville, Tennessee to l'Anys edat of fourteen per pursue a career in Country Music. Companyia amb Treballa the independent label Big Machine Records singer-songwriter esdevenir i will contractada per month jove Sony / ATV Music publishing house. The 2006 is the seu llançar homònim debut album Taylor Swift i is the month will become country music famous "Our Song", the third senzill seu, the person will become jove to escriure senzills month Ajuda sense of ningú i cançó sing a number one country to Wishlist of chart. Swift is one premise rebre Best New Artist i will be nominated in 2008 per als premis 2008 Grammy Awards.

Taylor Alison Swift (va néixer el  13 desembre 1989 a Wyomissing, Pennsylvania) és una actriu, cantant i compositora nord-americana de música country. Swift es va mudar a Nashville, Tennessee a l'edat de catorze anys per seguir una carrera de Música Country. Treballa amb la companyia discogràfica independent Big Machine Records i va esdevenir la cantautora més jove contractada per Sony / ATV Music publishing house. El 2006 va llançar el seu àlbum de debut homònim Taylor Swift i es va convertir en la més famosa de la música country «Our Song», el seu tercer senzill, la va convertir en la persona més jove a escriure senzills sense ajuda de ningú i cantar una cançó número un a la llista de country chart. Swift va rebre un premi de Best New Artist i va ser nominada en 2008 per als premis 2008 Grammy Awards.


Rihanna's real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born on February 20, 1988 on the island of Barbados in Saint Michel. It is an American R & B-influenced pop and dance.
She lived a very quiet life when producer Evan Rogers offered to take her to New York and an opportunity to record a demo, would occupation Caribbean rhythms mixed with rhythm and blues today. With this demo, was hired by the record label Def Jam Recording and he recorded his first album in August 2005: "Music of the Sun". With the single "Pon de Replay" peaked at number two on the Billboard chart. This album features danceable and catchy, and achieved triple platinum, something rare in a singer who has just begun.

El nombre real de Rihanna es Robyn Rihanna Fenty, nació el 20 de febrero de 1988 en la Isla de Barbados, en Saint Michel. Es una cantante R&B con influencias pop y dance.
Vivía una vida muy tranquila cuando el productor Evan Rogers le ofreció llevarla a Nueva York y darle la oportunidad de grabar un demo, el cúal tendría ritmos caribeños mezclados con el rhythm and blues más actual. Gracias a este demo, fue contratada por la discográfica Def Jam Recording y allí graba su primer disco en agosto de 2005: "Music of the Sun". Con el sencillo "Pon de Replay" alcanzó el puesto numero dos en la lista Billboard. Este álbum presenta temas bailables y pegadizos, y consiguió tres discos de platino, algo poco común en un cantante que recién comienza.


One Direction is a boy band composed of five Irish-British singers: Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. It was formed in London, specifically on 23 July 2010, the television show The X Factor in 2010. Initially presented at the program separately, but Simon Cowell had the idea to create a group with all five. The decision to put five guys on a group made very popular and were the only band that was included in the X Factor Tour 2011.

One Direction és una boy band britànic-irlandesa composta per cinc cantants: Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne i Louis Tomlinson.  Va ser formada a Londres, concretament el 23 de juliol de 2010,  al programa de televisió The X Factor l'any 2010. En un principi es van presentar al programa per separat, però Simon Cowell va tenir la idea de crear un grup amb tots cinc. La decisió de posar els cinc nois en un grup els va fer molt populars i van ser l'única banda que es va incloure en el X Factor Tour 2011.


ABBA has been a pop suec grup is going to train Estocolm 1972, compost perAgnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson Anni-Frid Lyngstad i.
It will become a month actes dels reeixits història comercialment to pop music, encapçalant llistes them tot the sermon des of 1972-1982. També are almost coneguts per haver guanyat the Festival d'Eurovisió cançó 1974, Sweden's seva Donant first victory in the history of the grup COMPETITION i be the història reeixit month per a prendre part in the Pageant.
ABBA has 370 milions venut month to record the sermon i tot Segueix milions of discs venent l'any, that els converteix a month musicals dels artistes venuts of tots els temps. ABBA will be the first coming pop grup d'a non parla d'gaudir anglès that an exit is constant in them països of parliamentary llistes of anglès, incloent the Regne Unit, Ireland, the U.S., Canada, Australia, Nova Zealand i Africa of the South. AIXI Mateix, the grup is an exit gaudir d'mercats llatinoamericans considerable els, i will record a cabbage • dels seus lecció grans exits in espanyol.
In 1999, d'ABBA music will be adapted in l'successes musical Mamma Mia! that will go tot the sermon. A paper released lícula the nom Mateix 2008 is going to turn in the paper • lícula grossing month to Unit Regne aquest any. The grup will be inclòs into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 15th març 2010.

ABBA va ser un suec pop grup es va formar a Estocolm el 1972, compost per Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson i Anni-Frid Lyngstad .
Es van convertir en un dels actes més reeixits comercialment a la història de la música pop, encapçalant les llistes de tot el món des de 1972 a 1982. També són coneguts per haver guanyat el Festival d'Eurovisió 1974 cançó , donant a Suècia la seva primera victòria en la història de la competició i ser el grup més reeixit de la història per a prendre part en el concurs.
ABBA ha venut més de 370 milions de discos a tot el món i segueix venent milions de discos a l'any, que els converteix en un dels artistes musicals més venuts de tots els temps. ABBA va ser el primer grup pop de venir d'un país que no parla anglès que va gaudir d'un èxit constant en les llistes de països de parla anglès, incloent el Regne Unit , Irlanda , la EUA , Canadà , Austràlia , Nova Zelanda i Àfrica del Sud . Així mateix, el grup va gaudir d'un èxit considerable en els mercats llatinoamericans, i va registrar una col · lecció dels seus grans èxits en espanyol.
Al 1999, la música d'ABBA va ser adaptada en l'exitós músical Mamma Mia! que va recórrer tot el món. Una pel · lícula del mateix nom estrenada el 2008 es va convertir en la pel · lícula més taquillera al Regne Unit aquest any. El grup va ser inclòs en el Rock and Roll Hall de la Fama el 15 de març de 2010.


Pablo Alborán

Pablo Alborán has become a landmark in the history of Spanish music of the century, despite his still brief career. In just two years and three albums, has achieved a popular impact was not known songs that have touched the hearts of millions of people in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, thanks to an inspiration that is only available to a few elected. LMFAO was the artist who has sold more albums in Spain in 2011 and 2012, an unprecedented event in the history of Spanish music for a rookie artist.
Born in Málaga (Spain) in 1989, Pablo Alborán is a singer and composer of all songs, creating an inspired music, with a strong, rich and unique quality in the Spanish pop scene. His songs immediately transmit the idea that this is a high songwriter, serious, sensitive, intuitive, unusual, strikingly original. An artist who builds accurate Spanish goldsmith pop genuine emotion and universal.
Pablo Alborán began to make themselves known on YouTube singing her songs sitting on white sofa in your home. Shortly after his guitar ran clubs in Spain. Word of mouth and social networks did that before publishing his first album, his fans were already waiting. In 2011 gave more than 60 concerts, starting in smaller stages and ending the year hanging "No entries" in the Madrid Arena in front of 15,000 spectators. The story is as simple as atypical and developed over the chart, sales figures, marketing and # 1, because they are his followers who have encouraged Pablo Alborán to become an artist reference.

Pablo Alborán s'ha convertit en una fita en la història de la música espanyola del segle XXI, malgrat la seva encara breu trajectòria artística. En només dos anys i amb tres àlbums publicats, ha aconseguit un impacte popular com no es coneixia amb unes cançons que han arribat al cor de milions de persones a Espanya, Portugal i Llatinoamèrica, gràcies a una inspiració que està només a l'abast d'uns pocs elegits. Pau Alborán ha estat l'artista que més discos ha venut a Espanya el 2011 i 2012, un fet sense precedents en la història de la música espanyola per a un artista debutant.
Nascut a Màlaga (Espanya) el 1989, Pablo Alborán és cantant i compositor de totes les seves cançons, creador d'una música inspirada, amb una solidesa, riquesa i qualitat úniques en l'escena del pop espanyol. Les seves cançons transmeten immediatament la idea que estem davant d'un compositor d'altura, seriós, sensible, intuïtiu, atípic, sorprenentment original. Un artista que construeix amb precisió d'orfebre un pop espanyol genuí, emocionat i d'abast universal.

David Guetta 

David Pierre Guetta more known like David Guetta is a disc jockey of electronic music, 
he was born in Paris (France), he’s specialized at electro pop and dance sounds.
In all of his artistic live has sold over 7.2 million albums, a record for a disc jockey.
Currently, Guetta is one of the most expensive disc jockey, because at 2012 the 
magazine Djmag said he was the disc jockey of the year.
David Guetta is son of a restaurateur of Moroccan and his mother is of Belgian 
descent, he started his musical career, when he was 17 years old, and he started in 
local discos. At the year 2002 he finished his work at the discos, and he started his job 
like discographer producer.
(A confession of David Guetta)

“When I started in Paris, the DJ was an anonymous, one less than nothing. One day, 
I went to London and saw that there was house music and produced, all the lights 
pointed at her. I invested all my savings in electronic music discs, on my return, I made 
an agreement with the owners of the clubs that employed me: I give up my cache, but, 
in return, I make my own schedule and my own promotion”
the mid-1990s, Guetta played in little clubs in 1994 Guetta's second single, a 
collaboration with American house vocalist Robert Owens titled "Up & Away", was a 
minor club hit In 1994, David Guetta became the manager of Le Palace nightclub and 
he continued to organise parties there and in other clubs.
In 2001, David Guetta along with Joachim Garraud founded Gum Productions, and in 
the same year Guetta's first hit single, "Just A Little More Love", featuring American 
singer Chris Willis was released. Guetta's debut album Just A Little More Love was 
released in 2002 on Virgin Records and sold over 300,000 copies. The follow-up singles, 
("Love Don't Let Me Go", "People Come People Go" and "Give Me Something"), were 
released in 2002. Guetta released a compilation, Fuck Me I'm Famous, in 2003, named 
after his party in Ibiza. Guetta's second album, Guetta Blaster, was released in 2004. 
It released four singles: "Money" and "Stay" featuring Chris Willis and "The World Is 
Mine" and "In Love With Myself" featuring JD Davis.
In 2007, Guetta's third album Pop Life was released. The album was successful in 
the UK and Ireland as well as in mainland Europe. According to EMI in 2010, the 
album has sold a total of 530,000 copies worldwide. The lead single "Love Is Gone" 
reached Number 1 on the American Dance Chart and charted on the Billboard Hot 
100. He played in many countries around the world to promote the album. He played 
in Mauritius in January 2008, accompanied by French rapper JoeyStarr. In the same 
year, he and his wife Cathy also planned a new event which took place in the Stade de 
France on 5 July 2008. 

David Guetta's fourth studio album, One Love, was released in August 2009. Its first 
single "When Love Takes Over", which featured Kelly Rowland, peaked at #1 on the 
UK Singles Chart and topped many other countries worldwide. His second single from 
the album, "Sexy Bitch" featuring Akon, became his second #1 in the UK. "One Love" 
featuring Estelle, "Memories" featuring Kid Cudi, "Revolver" featuring Madonna and 
Lil Wayne, and "Gettin' Over You" featuring Chris Willis, Fergie and LMFAO followed. 
On 16 June 2009, The Black Eyed Peas released the David Guetta-produced "I Gotta 
Feeling" as their second single from their fifth studio album, The E.N.D. It became a 
worldwide hit topping the charts in seventeen countries. Guetta's fifth studio album, 
Nothing But The Beat was released on 30 August 2011. It was released as a double-
disc album; one disc being vocal and the other being electronic. Guetta was inspired 
by rock bands such as Kings of Leon and Coldplay to add rock influences to his dance 
productions. A re-release of Nothing but the Beat, titled Nothing but the Beat 2.0, was 
released on September 7, 2012. The first single from the album, "She Wolf (Falling to 
Pieces), there are also songs like "Just One Last Time" and "Play Hard".

Albums: Just a Little More Love

Songs: Love Don’t Let Me 

                         Go People Come, People Go

Albums: Guetta Blaster

Songs: Money


                            The World is Mine

Albums: Pop Life

Songs: Love Is Gone

                        Baby When The Light

Albums: One Love

Songs: Sexy Bitch

         One Love
Albums: Nothing But The Beat

Songs: Where Them Girls That

 Little Bad Girl

 Without You


Turn Me On

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