dimarts, 11 de juny del 2013

Summer Time

exercicis d'estiu d'anglès


Advantages of holidaying on the beach
They say that during the summers months we are of better humor, we smile with more frequency, are more extrovert, exciting, happy … And it is that the beams of the Sun provide the only energy. Also it is said that with the sea nearby we see the life from another point of view, we are more optimistic, happier and better persons. Then, why we do not happen any more time in the beach and enjoy all his benefits? Today let's sense beforehand 7 motives for which you have to go to the beach this summer. There are many more but we make you the most important … and you, what other recommendations do you offer?

1.The life seems to be more relaxed When we are of vacations or of relaxation in the beach, the day seems that it happens much more slow, the hours are eternal and it looks like the daily activities that they are in the button of pause. To go to the beach improves the spirit and relaxes the muscles … the one who has not noticed it?

 2. You are glad the sight … It is the best place the sight delights us, but care, if you do not go the Sun, never leave the sunglasses with the dark crystal in house. The glasses will help you to see everything … without it bothers … the Sun.
3. The water of the sea Contains big quantities of you go out, minerals and trace elements that possess curative effects. When the body enters in touch with the salty water, in the cutaneous surface a renovation takes place in the organism. With the baths of sea there are improved the respiratory, cardiac, muscular, dermatological and rheumatic affections, between others.
 4. You can bath though it is raining and this it is one of the major pleasures that can be enjoyed in a beach. Have you proved it? You have to do it at least once in the life … we advise it you.
5. Putting Sun The fall of the Sun is one of the best and more spectacular moments for take photos. It has been and is the inspiration of artists, painters and photographers, and is that the putting of the Sun in the horizon with the sea of bottom is one of these small marvels of which the life offers you that nobody must get lost.
 6. It is possible to enjoy by day and by night the beach is of the privileged places that it is possible to enjoy by day and also by night. To listen to the sea or to lie down in the sand and to see the stars relaxes anyone.
7. Free amusement the children and that we us are so children we amuse ourselves with very little, the sand is our principal entertainment. Castles, bridges, tunnels or to bury our friends and relatives in the sand are an amusement assured in the beach days.

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