dilluns, 16 de juny del 2014


The Eve of St. John , also popularly known as the Night of Fire, Night or Night of the Witches Ros is a celebration that takes place in the Catalan Countries  and beyond, during the night between 23 and 24 June, one of the shortest of the year due to the proximity of the summer solstice.

It is not clear the origin of this celebration. Some people   seen prior to a pagan origin Christianity. A kind of reminiscence the festivities of the summer solstice. However, there a source that you are gay and mocking the fact that the night is more distant to Christmas and therefore should be loved and cursed by the devil.
Some traditions of St. John are, to make bonfires, to throw fireworks, to be with your family…

The fireworks are thrown on the night of the 23th, we throw flares, sources and pyrotechnics fireworks, and if you have the age, you can throw strikes; we eat St. John cake, too.



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